Saturday, February 25, 2006

Who watched it?

So did anyone else watch the Darryl McDaniels (one of the guys from Run-DMC) adoption story on VH1 tonight?

If you missed it, it comes on a few more times this weekend. Check it out here.

Wow. I'm pretty much at a loss for words - I can't belive I just watched someone on TV talk to their birth mom and then meet her for the first time. It was a little hard to watch at times, I don't know why. I guess it was hitting a little too close to home. I literally couldn't continue eating my dinner at one point because I felt so nervous watching what was going on. I am going to be a mess if any of this stuff actually happens to me.


Blogger Cookie said...

I just finished watching DMC's Journey. I recorded it because I babysat for my granddaughter tonight, then came home and watched it.

OMG, that stuff really gets to me! I cried - I smiled - cried more. Two things hit me, First, I was so happy for him that his birth mom accepted him wholeheartedly as any birth mom should. She's a strong, wonderful lady. If she'd rejected him, I would have been sooo upset.

Second, I thought how hard watching that show would be for an adoptee who was rejected. It wounds me when an adoptee is rejected and if it is someone I know and care about - it's really hurts and makes me sad.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Mia said...

Thanks Cookie for the respectful comment. I am hoping it will make you feel better to know that even though I have been rejected watching or hearing about the success stories is totally validating for me. It makes me see that I am not crazy for wanting to know my nmother as she would have me believe.

I watched that show and felt his anxiety, his pain and his joy and it felt good. I cried and cried and was left feeling drained but heard.

Kudos to VH1 and to DMC for sharing the most intimate journey imaginable. I think they did an awesome job.

6:31 AM  
Blogger Wraiths said...

I haven't watched it yet but I have it recorded to watch to night. I am impressed though, by everyone talking about it, even non-plane members.

Now we just need a few more of these types of stories.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Wraiths said...

okay, now I have. It's great. I cried even though I knew the story. I ditto Mia's kudos!

8:00 PM  

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