Saturday, February 04, 2006

Room At The Table

I'm reading a book called Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. It is amazing how those writer-types can concisely communicate what they are trying to say, all the while keeping their writing interesting and not comprimising the art. I'm no writer, but Donald Miller is, and in one chapter of this book, he writes about finding a church. The analogy he uses is not only great for his purpose of conveying his idea about finding a church, it also sums up in about 4 sentences what took me 4 paragraphs to try to explain in my last post:
"In the churches I used to go to, I felt like I didn't fit in. I always felt like the adopted kid, as if there was "room at the table for me." Do you know what I mean? I was accepted but not understood. There was room at the table for me, but I wasn't in the family."

Ha! Yeah, Donald, I do know what you mean...


Blogger Cheryl said...

Blue Like Jazz is such a good book...I got a lot out of it.

4:46 AM  

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